Federal employees who are injured on the job are entitled to benefits under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA). Even if you have a preexisting condition, if your condition is aggravated or accelerated because of work, you are entitled to benefits. Too often workers' compensation benefits are denied because of deficient claim filing and medical documentation. Mr. Smith works with injured workers and their medical providers to obtain benefits and scheduled awards from OWCP. Mr. Smith also assists partially recovered clients with being restored to duty and accommodated.

Many times, Federal and postal employees do not immediately recognize that their injury or illness is job related or delay filing their claims. Federal workers need to know that they have three years after being injured to file a claim for workers' compensation. In certain circumstances, employees can pursue claims even if the claims are more than three years old.

Employees who have suffered permanent injury to limbs, organs, or bodily functions are entitled to lump sum payments (called "scheduled awards") for their losses. Mr. Smith and the attorneys of Wheeler Upham will work with you to get the benefits you deserve.